Friday, December 18, 2015

There's always so much to do

So much to do, so little time. I feel like that's the story of my life. I'm sitting here, working from home, feeling like I should put laundry in and make something while working but I have my little guy snuggled up in the crook of my legs, watching Tangled. Sometimes I forget to be in the moment. To forget of all the things that need to get done and just sit. And enjoy time wth the boys. Because the amount of time they'll want to snuggle will surely start to dwindle and I'll think back and probably miss it. So I've decided to just stay put, forget the laundry, the crafting, just sit with my little guy tangled in my legs while watching Tangled and do some work on the laptop.

Time just goes by so fast and by the time you stop to look around, so many years have passed its hard to remember exactly what happened when. Like how is my oldest 3 1/2 and my youngest almost 2? I remember when my little Zachy was born and now he's a walking, talking, jumping, eating machine. We're always so busy but yet not busy. They are always busy busy busy but we are home a lot. Not that that has anything to do with anything.. But by the time they go to bed at night, I'm basically ready to fall asleep, leaving absolutely no time for anything.

Well, the snuggling lasted 5 minutes, so I guess it's time for laundry and crochet.

Edit: We saw Star Wars tonight. Uh-maze-ing. That's all I'll say about that.

This post is super late because I forgot to finish it yesterday and then we went to the movies last night..

Maybe I'll write about my smelly sick kids later. That'll be interesting for you all I'm sure.

Oh- and I'm making a promise to myself to crochet something for Knots of love once a month. I'm almost done with a sleep cap. It makes my heart happy to give items that I make to people in need.

If I remember, I'll post a photo when I'm done. It's just a simple cap.

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