You know those days where you feel like a bad parent because you look at the clock after a super long day with your chaotic tiny tyrants and realize it's only 5:00 and you still have at least another 2 hours until bath and bed time and you really cannot wait until they go to bed? You do? Oh, well, not me. NEVER. Except that's a lie. It happens on the reg for me and it makes me feel like an awful parent. I find myself questioning why my kids won't just sit at the table and partake in a holiday craft with me? Why can't you both just play with Mr. Potato head so I can put your clothes away in your dressers without having to "nicely remind" (ie. nag) you to be kind to each other and to share. I get it, sharing is not a concept that kids handle well, generally. The whole grass is always greener mentality. I really understand it. I know as a kid I probably went through it. But come.on. We have plenty of toys. More toys than we really need, or even know what to do with. I'm sure we have at least 8 fire trucks and just because your brother has one and you have the other 7 doesn't mean you need that ONE to be happy with your life. He's not going to keep it, I promise. This is my daily life now. So tonight, the boys were playing nicely with each other- which WOAH. Ever since Luke has been going to school, these moments are happening more frequently and it's LOVELY!!! I love when they get along, but you know how it goes, neither wants to nap so now at the end of the night they are SUPER overtired and every little thing that happens is life ending. Zach sat on your head, yes I saw it, I laughed, but now you're saying that he hurt you, but he barely even sat on you... Oh and then he scratched you. Well yeah, ok, I'll take the blame for that because trying to cut his nails is like trying to put a cat in the bath tub - painful and I haven't geared myself up for it. So all they were doing was crying, so Eric, being louder and more stern than me, spoke loudly to the boys telling them to knock it off or they'd go to bed early. They were then told to sit on the couch until they could calm down enough to play nicely with each other again. Giving the boys a common enemy was probably the best idea he's ever come up with - not that he's the first person to do it, but let me tell you, it totally made a difference and we might be using it more often. The boys then fogot about their fued and with common ground of being sad about getting yelled at, they were back to playing. And all that happened in the last 20 minutes of the night. But these apes of mine, they're nuts. Completely nuts. And they never stop talking. I'm not one that likes noise just to have noise. When I get a free minute to myself, I don't even turn the radio on unless I'm cleaning but all these boys in my house need constant noise in their lives... I don't understand it. I need a few minutes here and there just to hear myself think. The little boys just chatter constantly. About random stuff. Because they're kids. And they repeat themselves 1000 times. Playing the quiet game does not exist because they have no concept of what quiet actually is.
So needless to say, today would have been a day for a glass (or bottle) of wine if I drank and to put some ear plugs in and go in a quiet room. But instead I had some pumpkin pie, finished crocheting a winter hat and watched some Street Outlaws, greatful that my two little loves are tucked
quietly safely in their beds and prepare myself for another day.
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