Friday, November 27, 2015

Black (and blue) Friday

Black friday started at 4:10am for me. My alarm went off (honestly, the same time as every day but today felt MUCH earlier due to the obscene amount of turkey intake from yesterday) and I headed out with my mom. We has no plan. I knew I wanted to get some things for my "pick." In our house, we pick names among my immediate family- it cuts down on stress and cost- two of the biggest factors to avoid during the holiday season. Anyway, so we decided to brave Walmart. Can I tell you how much of a nightmare I thought it was going to be? I worked retail for a million years before getting the job I'm at now (for the past almost 5 year- woah. Let's talk about how fast that time passed!!!) and I was always the opening person. My favorite Black Friday was when I was a manager at Borders Bookstore. If you don't already know, Borders was the best bookstore on the face of the earth and I miss it almost every single day. I picked up SO many of my craft books from there that it really re-insipred my crafting. OK- where was I? Retail, right. So I had always opened the stores when I worked in retail. There were the occasional years when I was asked to switch to the night shift and I was able to go Black Friday Shopping, but they were rare. When I started this job, I could never head anywhere because others already requested the day off and I had to be in at 7:30. Since I have been going to the gym before work and waking up at 4:10 every day, even though I had to work, it didn't seem like such a big deal to get up this morning. Driving in to the Walmart parking lot I was expecting chaos. Found none. Really, the rush had already passed, but when we got there, they still had the big ticket TV's and all the kids toys so it didn't even seem worth it to camp outside as some people had. We grabbed a bunch of stuff that we probably didn't even need and I obviously picked up some yarn. I mean, really, $1.88 each skein for yarn that goes for $4-5 is a total bargain and I totally needed 15 skeins, right? Actually, after we checked out, I was waiting by the registers and I watched a woman purchase 2 skeins of yarn and actually had a mini-stroke. How do you live with yourself, only buying 2 skeins of yarn? I then proceeded to have an entire mental conversation about how this person at Walmart at 5am wasn't really on top of her game this morning because she was preoccupied with all the toys she needed to get and clearly wasn't thinking when she only picked up TWO skeins because no one only buys TWO skeins of yarn!! She had been up forever and had a mental block. That's my rationalization to myself, why I had to buy 15 skeins, I was making up for her lack of yarn purchase to put the earth's rotation back in alignment and to bring balance to the force. Can you tell the mind wanders at 5am the day after Thanksgiving.

So here I sit. 9:02pm. The kids fell asleep even before their doors were closed and I have basically hidden the bags of yarn under my sewing table because they don't fit in my 36"x84" cabinet specifically made for yarn and I can't even say I feel guilty. I pretty much just speedballed on yarn. Oh, and I totally forgot to mention the 21 skeins of yarn I ordered for 50% off online. Shh... Forget I even mentioned it. What I really need to tell myself is that I need to start crochetting to make all the grand ideas I have planned for this yarn rather than writing this blog... But I've kind of missed writing. Even though this is just ramblings on a page, I feel better when I do it.

Kid story- beware.

When did kids get so smart. My big buddy Luke is too smart for me. I was trying to joke around with him in the car on the way back from shopping with my brother and he was talking about how he was going to run me over with his new front end loader. So I asked if it would smush me, being a big front end loader. And he had this "duh mom" tone in his voice when he answered "it's just a toy, mom." Thanks buddy. Got it. Way to make me feel silly.

More ramblings:
Am I the only one whos kids get more miserable after they nap? Like, is this my life now? Miserable if they nap, and miserable if they don't. A lose/lose situation for the entire neighborhood.... because my little one is like an air raid siren and I'm sure the entire neighborhood can hear him when he's wailing because he doesn't want anything but wants everything and the only thing to snap him out of it is asking him where the moon is, which doesn't calm him down when there are too many clouds and you can't see the moon, and you literally have to drag him outside so he can see for himself. Thank god it was 55 out this evening so it wasn't so bad to let him look outside, but really, what I'm going to do when it's like negative 20 out and he's crying about the moon?!? Yup.

I guess that's enough random thought for tonight.


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