Sunday, November 29, 2015

Can I get a do-over, over here please?

I totally want a do-over of today. Let's just start from the top. The kids were a nightmare today. total.chaos. Husband was in a mood, and I get it, we all have our days.. But honestly, sometimes I have enough on my plate trying to manage my own mood that two little opposite astrological signs and an overly emotional sign just don't mix on certain days. And then there's me. All I want to do it get some stuff done. Laundry, cleaning a little, keeping the living room hazard free, maybe make a pair of mittens or finish a Christmas Gift...... please? No, nope, not today for this mama. I had a crying almost 2 year old having constant meltdowns today, his brother punched him right in the face and then the little one took a back fall off the couch, landing right on his lumpy little nugget.

And of course these kids don't nap. EVER. Even when I beg and plead and bribe. Nope.

And I still haven't fixed my iPad so that I can upload photos... Add that on the list of things that aren't going to happen with to wild animals.

But we put up our tree yesterday and today I caught Zachary, my darling little goat/dog, eating an ornament. Like crunching right down on the top of the bulb. Really? I know he's not even two, but what goes through a person's head where they rationalize that eating an ornament might taste good or be beneficial to them in any way? Any why choose a plastic bulb? Was it the shiny blue color? These are silly questions for the boy/dog/goat who likes to rub all his food in the dirt before he eats it.. so in his head, why WOULDN'T an ornament taste good? I should just know by now that no amount of rational thought will be happening with this boy...

Now I'm off to bed since my eyes have been wanting to close since 5pm.


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