Today Mom and I took the boys to see Santa. They are so well behaved. We always go to the same candy store where you can bring your own camera and take as many photos with Santa as you want. Zach was a little nervous, but was a good sport about the whole thing. Luke cheesed it up like the ham he is. The we spent pretty much the rest of the day at my grandparents. I am so happy that I have the ability to bring my two little boys over to see my grandparents. I love that the boys constantly ask for Great Gram and Big Papa and beg to visit. Last night, I had to move my car back into the driveway (you know, parking ban and all even though it's 60 out and on plows will be coming down the street) and Zachy wanted to come outside with me. It would have taken me less than 2 minutes to move my car. Well, my less than 2 minute task turned into an hour because my little boy with only jammies and socks on decided he'd like to see some Christmas lights, so I took a spin around the block because I'm totally a sucker for Christmas lights. As we turned back onto our street to park in the driveway, little boss man decides to break down into tears because he wants to go to Great Gram's house. He's begging and crying and pleading with me. So what am I supposed to do? Of course I took him to Great Gram's house- jammie clad and shoeless (and jacketless- but it was 50 out so...) We showed up, he gave hello hugs, played toys, got a few cookies and was ready to go. Apparently he just decides to make himself home there.
And then after Santa time, we went over there again. These boys are my outdoor kids. The second they get there, they go in, say hi and then head right back outside. I mean, seriously, does it get any cuter?
On a side note, I made these cute little scrubbies- I want to make so many of them. I might post them to etsy so keep a look out!!
This is my night- making up some etsy orders, making something for the boys and then packaging up something for my friend who is on business in India- because apparently they don't have electric tooth brushes and fingernail clippers over there.... WHAT?!
Until next time,
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