This is not going to be one of those "new year, new me" posts. I hope.
2015 went by just SO quickly. Seriously. I don't even know what I did for most of the year. Probably just spent a whole lot of time with my 3 guys and a bunch of crafting (and some work). Luke is 3 1/2 which seems like such a HUGE deal. How is he 3 already? He acts like he's 10. So, there's that. Zach will be 2 in February and I just can't get over it.
Let's see where the boys are at.
Favorite color is green.
He is in love with Trash Trucks and has to watch the trash truck every Tuesday before school.
He's in preschool and he LOVES it.
He's potty trained. We've had 1 accident in the last month, and it was because he was outside and too busy playing to stop.
He has a twin bed.
He loves Admiral Ackbar and Nein Nub (forgive me if I spelled his name wrong, husband)
He loves to watch Ridic-li-less-ness (ridiculousness)
He's shortening words. "Mom, watch. Is this ridic?" "You're welc." Etc.
He does not like to wear clothes. But slippers and underwear are a must.
He's been trying new food. He had ham, ate a mushroom, a cherry, taco meat... It's a BIG deal.
Always wants dad to read him a story.
Does not like to nap at home. But at grandma's, it's non problem.
38 1/4" tall. 35lbs.
Favorite colors are blue and purple
He's LOVES cheebacca
He likes to annoy his brother.
Everything is "mine"
He's speaking in sentences,
He can count to 13
He's working on colors- if he says them without thinking, he's fine. If you ask him what color something is, he usually chooses blue or green.
He's in a big boy bed.
He's working on potty training (not fully, but he sits on the potty a lot)
He's funny and has trouble written all over his face.
Also, you know what he's feeling all the time, his emotions are also all over his face.
He does cry, a lot. About what, you ask. I wish I knew. Every day at 4-5 he has a meltdown.
He only wants to take his jacket off when HE feels like it. He spent 2 hours in his jacket after we got home before I made him take it off to take a nap.
He needs close to 1000 stories before bed time. Staples lately are a teapot book, very busy spider, robot book, where is baby's belly button, and a mix between Rudolph and a monkey book.
34 1/4" 26lbs.
This year I hope to stay motivated with going to the gym and eating healthier. Lifestyle change rather than a resolution. I hope to be able to grow my etsy shop. I intend to make at least one item to donate to knots of love. I intend to spread kindness, little acts and gestures ALL year, not just at the holidays. Be happier in every day life. Do great things at work.
Just small things, but they will impact my life for the better, I hope.
Here's to 2016. May it bring happiness, health and love.
Let's see how much we grow this year.
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